Important Disclosures About the Project

In this course, we will be building a financial Q&A chatbot / assistant. The project is meant to be a DEMO example, and NOT for production purposes or personal use. The app will use a very, very small subset of financial news data, so it cannot possibly answer any question you have in real time. The project is merely meant to ILLUSTRATE exactly HOW you might go about building toward a real time Q&A chatbot.

Instructions for Projects

There are 5 projects in this course that build upon each other. You must do the projects in-order to fully understand how each part fits together. Some code will be written in an IDE, whereas some code will be written on Google Colab notebooks.

  1. To get started, clone the starter project git repo (link below).
  2. Watch each code explanation video, and make sure you understand the code
  3. Follow along to build the app.
  4. If you are stuck, check out the sample app code (see “I’m stuck, what do I do section”)

How many projects are there? Where are the course materials?

There are 5 projects. The links to Colab notebooks are provided along the way in the course materials sections, when you will need them.

What is the link to the Github repo for starter project?


I’m stuck. Where do I find the sample code solution for the project?

If you are stuck, here are the steps to get help.

1. First, make sure that the code is typed as you saw on screens.

2. Second, I put the sample app code in a zip file (solutions.zip) - this file will be available in the course materials section in the Course Setup section.  Use that to double check your solution and get ideas for debugging.

3. Third, leverage the Q&A forum.

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